Drupal APIs and Drupal framework allows developer to provide means for other modules to interact or intervene using hooks. This can be done by simply using an API called module_invoke_all(), a comprehensive detail for this function can be found here. Details about hooks in drupal can be found here
I'll try to explain this in steps by using small example:
- Create a module called "math", definitely this will have atleast two file in it i.e. math.info and math.module
- In math.module, i have a function math_hello_world()
function math_hello_world(){
print "Hello World";
module_invoke_all('math', 'after print', $node);
- By calling module_invode_all() function with arguments mean its looking for all enabled modules that are implementing hook_math() where 'hook' replaces module name e.g. anymodule_math(). Hence this will allowing other modules to include their functionality after "Hello World" is printed. e.g.
function anymodule_math($op, $node) {
switch ($op) {
case 'after print':
// Add your code here, which will called after Hello World is printed
print "After Hello World in Module 'Any Module'"
case 'transition post':