Programmatically inserting, editing and deleting a taxonomy term using drupal api is as easy as A,B,C. After scanning taxonomy_term_save() function, it looks like that if we pass an associated array as an argument to this function with proper keys we can make this happen very easily.
Inserting a taxonomy term:
$term = array(
'vid' => 5, // Voacabulary ID
'name' => 'Drupal', // Term Name
'synonyms' => 'Druplet', // (Optional) Synonym of this term
'parent' => 11, // (Optional) Term ID of a parent term
'relations' => array(15), // (Optional) Related Term IDs
Editing a taxonomy term:
$term = array(
'vid' => 5, // Voacabulary ID
'tid' => 17, // If we add key 'tid' to this array then the function will update this term.
'name' => 'Drupal', // Term Name
'synonyms' => 'Druplet', // (Optional) Synonym of this term
'parent' => 11, // (Optional) Term ID of a parent term
'relations' => array(15), // (Optional) Related Term IDs
Deleteing a taxonomy term:
$term = array(
'tid' => 17, // If only key in this array is 'tid', function will take it as a deletion request.
If there are more than one synonyms then you can concatenate each synonym with '\r\n'. Following is a example of inserting three synonyms, "Druplet, Drup, Ultimate Drupal".
'synonyms' => "Druplet\r\nDrup\r\nUltimate Drupal", // These are three synonyms
If there are more than one parent then you can add each parent in an array, e.g.
'parent' => array(11, 10, 13),
You can nest as many parents as you want, e.g.
'parent' => array(11, array(9, 10), 13),
If there are more than one relations to this term then you can add each relation in an array i.e.
'relations' => array(15, 16, 17),
Hey, thanks for this! Just
Hey, thanks for this! Just what i was looking for. 1 question- once we've inserted the term into our taxonomy, how can we programatically add/link that term to a node??
First of all accept my
First of all accept my appology for replying late, coming towards your question; If you want to programatically link a term to a node then use taxonomy.module function taxonomy_node_save($node, $terms), please check for the details about this function. If need further help please post a reply to this comment.
You helped me a lot
Thank you!
I actually tried to link a term to a node using this taxonomy.module function. However, I’m not able to get the desired results. I even referred the api.drupal. It has not been of much help. Kindly give more guidelines.
How to validate term name is not empty while creating term progr
How to validate term name is not empty while creating term programmatically. i.e. Inserting a taxonomy term:
Great help
Thank you for this post, was looking for this for a while!