
By admin, 28 May, 2012

This is all about setting up GIT repository to behave in such a way that all developers can push their changes and can pull others changes from central shared repository, ultimately they are going to clone the repository into their local location and each user's "working copy" will itself be a fully-fledged Git repository but to make the code changes centralized they have to push and pull to the central repository that can be on a remote server. e.g. , we will call this server as source.

By admin, 2 January, 2011

Last year was AWESOME, I cannot let it go with out mentioning that I was blessed with lots of Happiness and Joy. I am really very thankful to my Lord Allah Subhanawtallah that HE blessed me with a Son, we name him Saad. Then I came back to my Home Country Pakistan after spending three years in United States, I donot have words to mention about my feelings the first time I stepped out of the aircraft when I landed at Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore. I came to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah, and paid visit to Haram-Makkah (House of Allah) twice. The first sight was magnificant, it was full of attraction, and your heart feels some kind of energy that tells you that this is the House of Allah who is the creator of all creations.

By admin, 21 May, 2010

May 20, 2010 was the big day for the people who support Blasphemy and who condemn all acts of Blasphemy. Following my religious values I was and will strongly condemn all kind of Blasphemy acts toward our Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم‎ (P.B.U.H) , whether its on Youtube, Facebook or any media platform.

I have not seen any religion in the world that supports these kind of acts, favoring these kind of acts can definitely create hatered among different groups.

By admin, 17 January, 2009

Today in the morning the idea popped up about personality and temperament, so i decided to share with others.

Personality means the visible aspect of one's characters and in normal circumstances we refer personality as first impression, where as temperament is defined as  person's normal manner of thinking, behaving or reacting.

These two terms are related in such a way that the term (temperament) becomes the measurement tool to describe other term (Personality).