By admin, 23 June, 2020
Working in a collaborative environment where code branches are merged and deleted over a passage of time results in orphan branches on developer's local instance, which clutters the local repository and looks a bit unorganized. There are number of ways to prune those purged/deleted branches.
By admin, 3 October, 2018

Paragraphs are one of the powerful module in Drupal paradigm, it supports nesting feature and empowers developer with the most dynamic and flexible experience. I have used nested Paragraphs to build an Owl Carousel, where outer Paragraph is used as Carousel Container and the Inner Paragraph is used as Carousel Cards.

By admin, 19 September, 2018

SendinBlue is a third party newsletter subscription service that integrates with Drupal 8 CMS, Unfortunately there is no direct way of referencing any of the SendinBlue subscription forms as referenced entities in node or any other entity, this blog post will guide the developers to reference these type of forms through Paragraphs.

By admin, 25 November, 2013

The main role of the page preprocessor is to set up custom variables to be rendered through the template (.tpl.php) files. Mostly the page preprocessing is used to handle theme template suggestions. This means that based on some custom logic we can suggest any page--*.tpl.php file instead of generic page.tpl.php but this is not the limit, most advance developers use these preprocessors to do heavy calculation of their logic and then pass the results to the page.tpl.php in form of some custom variable, this avenue has endless possiblities.

By admin, 17 September, 2013

Compact forms are always good to have and in-field labels is one of the feature that makes the form more compact and sleak. Conventionally the labels are set as "above" or "in-line" with the fields where as in-field labels are set with in the Label's respective fields. Technically form item or element fields are overlaid with their repective labels.

By admin, 31 July, 2012

After analyzing several political talk-shows about electoral system and the ground realities of the ruling parties and opposition parties that how they got elected, I found a big room for improvement and  came up with a suggestion for Election Commission and Supreme Court of Pakistan to think about improving and changing this process once and for all. This is a need of time, we want to revamp this system on emergency basis, most probably for next general election. We as a Pakistani nation cannot afford another election where fate of 180 Million Pakistanis are written by few Thugs and Illiterates who do not even represent 20% of Pakistani population.

By admin, 25 July, 2012

Taxonomy Vocabulary Relate was very helpful module in Drupal 6.x which allows us to select related terms in taxonomy from other vocaulary. Default taxonomy module in Drupal 6.x only allow us to select related terms from the same vocabulary. This post is going to help lots of developers who are planning to migrate their Drupal 6 website to Drupal 7 or who have migrated their projects and are awaiting solution to this issue.

By admin, 28 May, 2012

This is all about setting up GIT repository to behave in such a way that all developers can push their changes and can pull others changes from central shared repository, ultimately they are going to clone the repository into their local location and each user's "working copy" will itself be a fully-fledged Git repository but to make the code changes centralized they have to push and pull to the central repository that can be on a remote server. e.g. , we will call this server as source.

By admin, 8 April, 2011

Devolving Higher Education Commission (HEC) and transferring it to provincial level means All four tires of car going in different directions, was this done on purpose? can we call it an educational conspiracy linked to some international conspiracy for destabilizing Pakistan? or some hidden agenda?. Last night I heard former Chairman of HEC Dr. Atta ur Rehman on one of Pakistani Satellite channel  saying "If you want to break a country break its education in to pieces" and I agree with his words.