
By admin, 20 January, 2011

I am glad to be part of a team who deployed Drupal as an Intranet platform for a Fortune 20 telecom company.  This is the first time that Drupal was used on an open surce LAMP stack to create a corporate Intranet for over 90,000 employees. The project was a complete rewrite of the existing intranet that had been in operation for over half a decade. It was accomplished in less than 12 months from conception to full deployment, ramping up from just a one member team to a 17 person group with only 5 full time developers

By admin, 23 May, 2010

Last week I got a chance to watch a hindi movie "Kurbaan", I was surprised to see how Karan Johar was able to create this kind of action movie without support of any external sponsorship.  You guys know what i mean Image removed., funny part was that all main characters were shown as Pakistani (Saif Ali Khan, OM Puri) and they used Indian soil and girl (Karina Kapoor) to accomplish their mission...

By admin, 21 May, 2010

May 20, 2010 was the big day for the people who support Blasphemy and who condemn all acts of Blasphemy. Following my religious values I was and will strongly condemn all kind of Blasphemy acts toward our Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم‎ (P.B.U.H) , whether its on Youtube, Facebook or any media platform.

I have not seen any religion in the world that supports these kind of acts, favoring these kind of acts can definitely create hatered among different groups.

By admin, 20 January, 2009

Its been almost a month and the latest statistics on GAZA are; 1,300 died, 10,000 injured and more than 50,000 turned homeless, i was wondering that nobody among the muslim countries seriously responded to Israel's act of barbarianism at any point during this month.

lets have a brief look on muslim countries on world map, according to the world map there are around 39 Muslim majority countries. Details of the Islamic countries have taken from WIKI