A Man with GUTs

By admin, 20 January, 2009

Its been almost a month and the latest statistics on GAZA are; 1,300 died, 10,000 injured and more than 50,000 turned homeless, i was wondering that nobody among the muslim countries seriously responded to Israel's act of barbarianism at any point during this month.

lets have a brief look on muslim countries on world map, according to the world map there are around 39 Muslim majority countries. Details of the Islamic countries have taken from WIKI

Countries that are Islamic states

  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Iran
  • Mauritania
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Yemen
  • Saudi Arabia

Countries with Islam as state religion

  • Algeria
  • Bangladesh
  • Egypt
  • Iraq
  • Kuwait
  • Libya
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Morocco
  • Qatar
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates

Countries that are Islamic Secular states

  • Burkina Faso
  • Gambia
  • Guinea
  • Mali
  • Senegal
  • Chad
  • Djibouti
  • Somalia
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgystan
  • Tajikstan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Albania
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kosovo
  • Turkey

Two days before I was discussing with few of my non muslim friends about the leadership of these countries, and our discussion concluded that none of the leaders among the muslim countries have guts to face and stand against the Israel.

We were discussing what should have done by these leaders, like

  • At a minimum level, all of them should have boycotted Israel's products, just to show a very cheap level of solidarity with people of Gaza.

But we heard nothing from them, not even a single UN resolution that would have helped in ending this war. I will not waist your time by discussing all muslim countries because its useless, but i will try to divert your attention towards two Islamic states; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.

I am sharing all this because all my non-muslim friends belong to various nationalities, So the whole time during the discussion, my role was not more than an observer because our muslim leaders have not done any thing good that i can discuss and share with them.

They were discussing only two leaders President Zardari, and Saudi King, they were fully aware of both leaders background, and they concluded about Zardari that he will never come forward and will never raise his voice against this state terrorism as he got locket with precious stone fitted in it called NRO.

Then all of them pointed towards King of Saudi Arabia, they call them Badsha Salamat, all of them were laughing like hell, but they all were speaking truth their mutually agreed remarks on Badsha Salamat were that he is also a pupet. They just concluded that none of the leadership in whole muslim world have GUTS to formulate their own foreign policy and that is true, we all see and hear all the time that various state secretaries from known super powers visit muslim countries on-an-off.

Then one among those friends diverted our focus from Muslim Leaders towards a non muslim leader. They all were great fan of Hugo Shavez. He is a president of Venezuela. They all said that their is nothing special about this guy, even they were not clear that he is good or evil but all mutually agreed that he cares for humanity and he showed great solidarity for Palestinian nation and he bravely acted and called Israel Diplomats in his country to immediately leave his country as they donot want diplomats of the country who do state terrorism. Please view his speech that he delivered immediately after expeling Israeli Ambassador (Video)

I wish this type of strict action would have been taken by one of Islamic states, especially by Islamic Atomic Power (Pakistan) and Great Islamic Leadership (Saudi Arabia)

In the end i will only pray that "Allah please give our leaders courage and ability to think positive so that they can act and think on their own”.

Guys please pray for our leadership.