Manipulating Nested Paragraphs in Drupal 8 to implement Owl Carousel

Paragraphs are one of the powerful module in Drupal paradigm, it supports nesting feature and empowers developer with the most dynamic and flexible experience. I have used nested Paragraphs to build an Owl Carousel, where outer Paragraph is used as Carousel Container and the Inner Paragraph is used as Carousel Cards.

Optimizing/Caching Poll's Block

We all know that Poll is a core module which ships with Drupal. After installing this module we can setup poll and we can place a "most recent poll" block any where in region, usually its on a front page. I investigated this module and I found that it takes 20-25 queries to load most recent poll block and when a user submits a vote on that poll it does a cache_clear_all. Which was like WOW, in addition to submitting a vote users were also clearing my cached data. Optimizing or Caching poll's block for any kind of user (authenticated or anonymous) is like piece of cake, but figuring out how to do it was really a big pain in a neck.

Advanced Workflow Management

Advance Workflow Management will help workflow admin define single workflow with states adding a layer of groups at top of that; access control will be based on groups. This module will create a new tab "Workflow Groups" through which admins can create various roles as workflow groups, assign group role to the user (author/editor/publishers) along with the role that manipulate workflow.

Index additional information using node_api hook

I was going through one of my projects and I came to know that how simple it is to insert additional information into your site's search indexes using hook_nodeapi. A comprehensive details about hook_nodeapi can be found here.

Following are the steps involved to make this happen:

  • Create a module that implements hook_nodeapi, lets say example_nodeapi()

function example_nodeapi($node, $op) {
  // Function definition here

Converting Texfield into autocomplete using Drupal's Form API

Inside Drupal APIs we can find separate set of APIs that deals with Forms, their elements and properties. Forms API reference guide has all the elements, properties and complete reference to the forms control structure where you can find easily a what properties all forms element carry. For more details please see Forms API Quick Start Guide.

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